DBT Consultation for Therapists

Why bring Dialectical Behaviour Therapy( DBT) into your practice?

DBT and DBT variations have been well researched and proven to be effective with clients experiencing the spectrum of mild to severe mental health challenges and issues. Psychologist, Dr. Marsha Linehan originally developed Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) to treat chronically suicidal and parasuicidal (self-harm behaviours the lead to suicide without intent) individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The approach has been well researched and proven to be very effective for this population.

However, DBT has demonstrated great versatility. The application of this model has expanded beyond high-risk, multiple diagnosis clients with pervasive, severe emotion dysregulation and complex issues. More and more research demonstrates that standard DBT and DBT variations can be generalized to and benefit, mood and anxiety disorders, eating disorders, addictions, impulse control disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, Attention Deficit Disorder and other personality disorders. Finally, there is growing research that DBT skills training benefits non-clinical populations as well.

If you are a therapist who has some knowledge of and/or training in DBT or are DBT informed and you are working with clients who engage in:


DBT consultation could benefit you.

You may feel like your sessions with these clients are:

  • All over the place
  • Crisis focused – you are consistently putting out fires
  • Not moving forward on therapy goals or client goals
  • Imbalanced – you are not sure if your client would benefit from more validation or pushing for change
  • Ineffective

You believe your clients would gain from what DBT offers. But, you are struggling to implement and maintain DBT techniques and the framework with your clients. You want to feel supported, confident, energetic, and encouraged in your practice, rather than feeling alone, incompetent, discouraged, or angry.

DBT consultation can also help you:

  • Balance unrealistic demands on yourself as a therapist
  • Avoid interventions that appease the client in the moment, but damage long-term outcomes
  • Balance attending to structure versus process
  • Observe your own personal limits
  • Avoid boundary diffusion

Consultation is integral to the DBT model and is an important aspect of delivering effective interventions and maintaining a therapist’s balance in perspective, attitudes and behaviours with their clients. It is also an essential component of self-care and avoiding burnout.

* Consultation is not clinical supervision.